Marketing for
The Arts and
Performing Artist

Visual Artist (Draw and Paint)
Music Bands and Producers
Music Singers and Songwriters

All Genres of
Musicians and Singers
Dancers and Dance Schools
Actors and Actresses
Rappers and Spoken Word

Plus Many More.

Marketing For,
The Performing Arts

Marketing For Artists is
"No Difference to"
Marketing for Other Businesses
In Other Business Industries.

That’s Right
we consider an
Artist as a Business,

The Arts is a Business
Because it's your
“Business" as an "Artist"

Refer :
in our Blogs Page.

Advertise and Promote your

With Our

Timeless Marketing Strategies

So you as an Artist and
your Artst

With Our

Timeless Marketing Strategies,

You Can Stay
Current and Relevant

And Still Be
Future Proof Forever.

Read More About Our
Business Marketing
Services and Solutions

for Your Business and
Business Industry

Go to Our Blogs
To Find Out More About Our

Timeless Marketing Strategies.

Marketing Specifically for
Artist and For Your Arts.

Social Media Marketing
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and
TitTok and even on Linkedin.

Content Creation For;
Social Media, Websites,
SMS and Email Marketing.

Websites and SEO
Search Engine Optimization,
Better Google Ranking for
your Website.

SMS and Email Marketing
Both Offering a “Click Through” For
Generating Bookings,
Leads and Sales Purchase.

Digital Marketing For;
Websites, Social Media,
Linkedin, Youtube and on
Google Search and Google Ads.

CTA Forms:

Landing Pages, Lead Generation and
Sales Funnels

Paid and Organic Advertising
Social Media and Google

Video Marketing For;
Youtube, Social Media,
Websites, Lead Pages and Newsletters.

Creative Branding For;
Video Marketing, Social Media,
Websites, Lead Pages, Newsletters,
Print and Promo Marketing Collateral.

Print & Promo For;
Print Marketing Collateral and
Promotional Products

Our Marketing Services:

Book a Free Consultation and
Submit your inquiry


Audio & Video
is an entirely
Different form of Marketing.

it is Executed on Different Platforms,
Than just using YouTube.

For all types of Artist this is
extremely attractive to;

Build Awareness,
Nurture the existing Fans,
Audience and to,
Generate Sales for your
Art and Shows.

Your audience does consume content on
Social Media & Google.
Targeting an audience that has,
purchased and has a browsing history.
Successfully target to an
audience that has Purchased and
has a Browsing history.

We can Market to your potential Customers,
that is looking for your Business.

Indie Artists “Independent"

When we Design, Create an Execute Marketing for
unsigned artist, unsigned band and or
Independent Artist,

you have complete creative control and
are most likely using your own
Music Studio and or
a Music Studio from your personal network.

Being a Independent Artist “Indie"
you're not signed to one of the major labels like;
Sony, Warner or Universal.

Our role when using XLENS Group and or
All Gain Studios is for us to;

Deign and Create all of your
Marketing Pieces for you.
We will distribute your Traditional Marketing like
Print and Promotional Material and or
Digital Media content on all of the
Major Social networks, On Google, Websites and
also SMS and Email Marketing.

We Can and Will create content like we do
for the Major Businesses because,

Marketing For Artists is
"No Difference to"
Marketing for Other Businesses and
in the Other Business Industries.

That’s Right
we consider an
Artist as a "Brand" and
as a "Business"

The Arts is a Business
Because it's your
“Business" as an "Artist"

Refer :
in our Blogs Page.

Go To:
Our Blogs Page

Refer to our Business Marketing Blogs,
Specifically For All Artists these three;

G.R.O.W, Timeless Marketing and 3 W’s

Get Repeat Business
from Your Fans.

We offer the
Complete Marketing Solution
To You for Your Customers.

XLENS Group Provides the
Complete Marketing Solution

To You for Your Customers,
Advertise and Promote as
The Artist that you are
And be seen as the

Mega Entertainer
that You Deserve.

All Music Genres and

Online Subscriptions
Build and Obtain a

Following Audience,
And or a Fan Base

Marketing Specifically for
Artist and For Your Arts.

Marketing For
The Performing Artist

Marketing For The Performing Artist. Businesses Like;

Music Bands, Music Singers,
All Music Genres,
Musicians, Songwriter, Dancers,
Actors & Actress
Also Dance Schools and Music Studios,
And Online Subscriptions

Build and Audience, a Fan Base,
Get Exposure and
Start Selling More of;
your Art, Dance Classes,
Music Sales, Live Performances,
Bookings and much more
Dancers and
Dance Schools

Musicians and Singers
Actors and Actresses

Plus Many More…
Click Below to “Get More Info”

We are a Business for Businesses

Basically Anything and Everything for
your Business Marketing.

Marketing For,
The Performing Arts

With Our

Timeless Marketing Strategies

So you as an Artist and
your Artst

With Our

Timeless Marketing Strategies,

You Can Stay
Current and Relevant

And Still Be
Future Proof Forever.

Promote and Advertise
Your Business

You can Advertise and Promote
your Business on

Any of Our 3 Marketing Solutions.

The Complete Marketing Solution

We offer the
Complete Marketing Solution
To You for your Customers.

The 3 Business Marketing Solutions are;

Digital | Traditional | Video
Digital, Traditional and Video Marketing.

Stay Current and Relevant with Our
Timeless Marketing Strategies.

Marketing For The Performing Artist.
Businesses Like;

Music Singers, All Music Genres,
Musicians, Songwriter, Dancers,

Actors & Actress

Also Dance Schools and
Music Studios,

And Online Subscriptions

Build and Audience,
a Fan Base,

Get Exposure and Start Selling more of
your Art, Dance Classes,
Music Sales, Live Performances,
Bookings and much more

Click Below to “Get More Info”

Performing Artist Like;
Get more Exposure and
Start Selling more of your Art,
Music Sales, Classes, Tutors,
Trainers and Coachers,
Live Performances, Bookings & Tickets,
and any other Promotions.

Music Singer, All Music Genres, Musicians,
Songwriter, Dancers, Actors & Actress
Plus Much More

With Our
Timeless Marketing Strategies,

You Get More;
Sales, Bookings and
Repeat Business.

Also you can Stay
Current and Relevant

And Still Be
Future Proof, Forever.

Get More;
Sales, Bookings and
Repeat Business.

With Our
Timeless Marketing Strategies,
You can Stay

Current and Relevant

And Still Be
Future Proof, Forever.

Marketing For,
The Performing Arts

For Musicians and
For The Music Art

It’s about your Love for the Art,
Your Music in the Studio,
It's how you Master your Craft and
provide your creativity in the
Magical Environment.

XL = (Excel)
| #PureXLENS | #ArtXLENS | #MusicXLENS |

Get the recognition as you
as a Music Artist Deserves.

And it’s Not

but you have the chance to
Give Back and Inspire
your Audience With More;

More Info of you as an Artist,
your Music Projects,
Memberships, Merchandise and
Any other Promotions.

It's Your Time To Inspire

We are a Business for Businesses

We focus on Generating
Sales for your Arts and Business.

We focus on Generating
Sales for your Arts and Business,
By getting more Paying Customers for your
Arts and Obtaining More like;

Bookings, Memberships and
Selling more Products and
Vouchers and any other
Promotions for your Music,
Music Sales and Shows.

Musicians, Singers and Songwriters:

Marketing for All Types of
Musicians, Bands and Solo Artists in
All Music Genres

Marketing for Musicians is
No Difference to
Marketing for Other Businesses and
Business Industries.

That’s Right
We consider an Artist as a Business.

For us In The Arts and All Musicians is a Business,
because it's your “Business" as an "Artist" to G.R.O.W

Digital Marketing today has the Need for
High Rich Media Content is not only just as a
“Necessity” but it's actually a MUST Requirement.

The Reason for having High Content
that is needed in the Digital Marketing space is for
Consumer Awareness and to
G.R.O.W your Business on;

Youtube, Social Media, Google SEO and
Google search engine traffic results,

All digital content can be produced and
executed through any of the
Digital Platforms.

All types of Content Such as;
Written, Visual for Graphics and Video.

High Rich Media Content
CAN BE and SHOULD BE Executed on;

Written Blogs, Websites, Video Content, Audio and Graphics.

All these Rich Media types will be
Great for you as an Artist to;

Showcase, Tell Your Story and
Introduce your talents to
your desired Audience and to your
future Fan Base and Supporters to your Art.

Go To:
Our Blogs Page

Refer to our Business Marketing Blogs,
Specifically For All Artists these three;

G.R.O.W, Timeless Marketing and 3 W’s

Dancers For Dancers:

For Dancers: It’s about your
Love for the Art, Your Dance.
Your Dance Entertains others and
It also Inspires others too.
Dance Studios:

Your Studio provides the environment
for your Students.
Your Dance School
Teachers your students, and provides them
the Best Methods and Techniques to apply.
All this is done in your Studio that is
equipped with the gear your Students need to

XL = (Excel)
#purexlens | #artxlens | #dancexlens | #musicxlens
Get the recognition You and Your Studio Deserve and it’s Not

But you have the chance to give
Your Audience and
Your Students More.
More Info of You and Your Business,
Classes and Memberships, Apparel and any other Promotions.

Music Singers
and Songwriters

Bands and


Marketing For The Performing Artist.
Arts and Artist Like;

Music Singers, All Music Genres,
Musicians, Songwriter, Dancers,

Actors & Actress

Also Dance Schools and
Music Studios,

Online Subscriptions

your Art, Dance Classes,
Music Sales, Live Performances,
Bookings and much more

Performing Artist Like;
Get more Exposure and
Start Selling more of your Art,
Music Sales, Classes, Tutors,
Trainers and Coachers,
Live Performances, Bookings & Tickets,
and any other Promotions.

Music Singer, All Music Genres, Musicians,
Songwriter, Dancers, Actors & Actress
Plus Much More


Marketing For The Performing Artist.
Arts and Artist Like;

Music Singers, All Music Genres,
Musicians, Songwriter, Dancers,

Actors & Actress

Also Dance Schools and
Music Studios,

Online Subscriptions

your Art, Dance Classes,
Music Sales, Live Performances,
Bookings and much more

Performing Artist Like;
Get more Exposure and
Start Selling more of your Art,
Music Sales, Classes, Tutors,
Trainers and Coachers,
Live Performances, Bookings & Tickets,
and any other Promotions.

Music Singer, All Music Genres, Musicians,
Songwriter, Dancers, Actors & Actress
Plus Much More

Marketing For: Music Studio
We will identify your unique goals
As an Artist to Generate you
More Sales For your

Such as;
Bookings for your Music Studio Business and
Successfully target to an Audience that
has Purchased and has a
Browsing history in their specific interest.
We can also Market to your potential
Customers that is looking for your
Music Studio Business.

For Your Music Studio It’s about your Love for the Art The Music and Your Studio, It's how you master your Craft and provide your creativity in the magical environment In Your Studio. Your School is Teaching your students and providing the Best Creative Methods and Techniques to apply. All this is done in your Studio that is equipped with the gear your Students need to XL = (Excel) | #purexlens | #artxlens | #musicxlens | Get the recognition that Your Business and Your Studio Deserves and it’s Not ALL ABOUT SALES, but you have the chance to Give Back and Inspire your Students With Much More; More Info of your Business, Classes and Membership, Apparel, Online Orders and any other Promotions. It's Time To Inspire


Put Text Here, Put Text Here,
Put Text Here,

Marketing For Your Music Studio

How and What We Do Marketing For Your Music Studio In today’s Business world, it seems Marketing for, Performing Artist and for Your Music Studio is the Perfect Fit for Digital Media Marketing For Your Music Studio This is NOT just to "Get More Sales" It's to get Paid for what You Love, So you can "Give Back" to an Audience that Love what You Do and to Inspire.

Singers and

Bands and

Marketing For The Performing Artist.
Arts and Artist Like;

Music Singers, All Music Genres,
Musicians, Songwriter, Dancers,

Actors & Actress

Also Dance Schools and
Music Studios,

Online Subscriptions

Your Art, Dance Classes,
Music Sales, Live Performances,
Bookings and much more

Get more Exposure and
Start Selling more of your Art,
Music Sales, Classes, Tutors,
Trainers and Coachers,
Live Performances, Bookings & Tickets,
and any other Promotions.

Music Singer, All Music Genres, Musicians,
Songwriter, Dancers, Actors & Actress
Plus Much More

Marketing For The Performing Artist.
Arts and Artist Like;

Music Singers, All Music Genres,
Musicians, Songwriter, Dancers,

Actors & Actress

Also Dance Schools and
Music Studios,

Online Subscriptions

your Art, Dance Classes,
Music Sales, Live Performances,
Bookings and much more

Performing Artist Like;
Get more Exposure and
Start Selling more of your Art,
Music Sales, Classes, Tutors,
Trainers and Coachers,
Live Performances, Bookings & Tickets,
and any other Promotions.

Music Singer, All Music Genres, Musicians,
Songwriter, Dancers, Actors & Actress
Plus Much More


Actors and

Rappers and
Spoken Word

Dancers and
Dance Schools

Painters and


Put Text Here, Put Text Here,
Put Text Here,